Do I Need an Editor? – Mary Marvella
How do you know if you need an editor or not? Mary Marvella will teach you all about when you need an editor and when you don’t. She’ll also give some handy editing tips.
The Fine Art of Killing Words: Editing for a Lean, Mean Manuscript – Beth Henderson
In four weeks, we’ll walk this walk together, evaluating what can go and what needs to stay, changing verbs, revising sentences, giving up adverbs (hardest thing for me!), trimming descriptions, catching when characters babble, and limiting dialogue tags.
Edits to Your Story That Aren’t About Grammar – Mary Marvella
We will explore elements to look for in our books and ways to go back to the beginning after we think the story is over and make sure the end works or if we need to add details earlier or delete things that don’t work.
Mary’s Nifty Nine Editing Checklist – Mary Marvella
I edit a lot of books with the same kinds of mistakes. Why not have a plan to help you?
Who Makes the Rules?
Who Makes the Rules? by Mary Marvella Joy glared at the box of discarded words. She hoped she wouldn’t need any of them to ward off the evil horde of […]