Take Your Characters From Flat to Fabulous: Creating Characters Your Readers Will Love – Cynthia Owens
We will cover:
The basics—vital statistics, names, age, voice, and the character interview.
The Place They Call Home—the space and how to define what it means to the character,
This is the Moment – Backstory—Using the 5 Ws—Who, What, Where, When and Why—of an incident or incidents that most significantly affected the character.
Who’s Talking Now? Dialogue—how dialogue and dialect can define a character.
Body Language—how your character’s body can show what he’s feeling, and what he might want to hide.
But Why Do They Do It?—how idiosyncrasies and odd habits shape your characters.
Clothes Make the Man—or Woman!—How a person’s dress reveals who they are.
Action and Reaction—How a character’s actions and others’ reactions to them reveal character.
What Matters Most?—How the things your characters care about the most can shape them.
The Supporting Cast – Secondary Characters
Make Villains Memorable – Mary Marvella
Learn how to make your villain the best he/she can be!
Prequeling: Harvesting Backstory for Further Tales – Beth Henderson
Sure, these could be spin-offs. I’ve done my share of spin-offs, which bump a previously secondary character into the role of main character. Recently, though, I discovered yet another avenue to travel down. The PREQUEL.
Gut Punch: Using Emotional Conflict as Plot Intensive 2-week Workshop – Tere Michaels
We’ll examine the difference between internal conflict and external trauma and how they can bring a reader closer to the character – or drive them away.
Imagination in Overdrive: Save the Plot Challenge! – Beth Henderson
Have you ever completed a story or been partway through writing one when you realized “This just isn’t working as it should”?
Character Building Part of 3 – Using Emotional Conflicts as Plot 2-Weeks, Oct 2th – Sept 13th
Core Wounds sit in the heart of every person – both real or fiction.
Character Building Part of 2 – Core Wounds 2-Week, Sept 4th – Sept 15th
Core Wounds sit in the heart of every person – both real or fiction.
Character Building Part of 2 – Core Wounds 2-Week, Sept 4th – Sept 15th
Core Wounds sit in the heart of every person – both real or fiction.